Everlon & Co Pty Ltd trading as Everlon Bronze (Everlon) understands that privacy is important to you.
Everlon is also subject to the requirements of the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) which are contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) and which govern how private sector organisations handle personal information. Personal information is basically information that can identify you.
1. What Personal Information does Everlon collect?
The information Everlon collects and stores includes information that identifies you as its customer, such as your name, address, date of birth, place of business, credit card details and nature of business.
Generally, all personal information is collected directly from you, or with your consent, and Everlon’s policy is to collect only personal information that Everlon needs to conduct Everlon’s business.
Everlon collects personal information in order to provide its customers with its products or services and in order to manage its relationship with its customers and with the people Everlon does business with.
In relation to Everlon’s customers, Everlon may also request information about you in order to help you decide which of Everlon’s products or services would best suit your requirements.
Everlon will not collect sensitive information about you (such as details of your race, political beliefs, religion or health) without your consent.
2. How is Personal Information used?
2.1 Dealing with your Personal information
Any personal information collected will be used in accordance with this privacy policy for the purpose for which Everlon collected it as well as any other purposes related to Everlon’s normal business operations and also:
a) direct marketing purposes, unless you have previously advised that you do not wish to be contacted. The first time Everlon contacts you for marketing purposes Everlon will give you an express opportunity to decline any further contact;
b) other purposes connected with the operation, administration, improvement and development of Everlon;
c) use of your e-mail address in order to alert you to any changes or alteration in Everlon’s services or products that affect you; or
d) where such use is otherwise authorised by or under any law.
2.2 Destruction of personal information
If personal information is no longer required for the activities and functions of Everlon, Everlon will make all reasonable efforts to destroy the personal information about you that Everlon holds.
2.3 Notification of promotions
If at any time you no longer wish to be notified about new Everlon products or services or promotions, please let Everlon know by contacting the Privacy Officer (contact details are set out at 7 (Contacting Everlon below).
3. Will Personal Information be given to anyone else?
In the circumstances described below, personal information may be disclosed outside Everlon.
3.1 Outsourcing
Personal information collected by Everlon may be disclosed to third parties to whom Everlon contracts out specialised functions If Everlon does disclose personal information to third party contractors under outsourcing or contracting arrangements, Everlon takes steps to ensure that those contractors:
a) comply with the NPPs when they handle your personal information; and
b) are authorised only to use personal information in order to provide the services or to perform the functions required by Everlon.
3.2 Disclosures required by law
For legal reasons, other disclosures may need to be made to law enforcement agencies, government agencies, courts or external advisors or in accordance with other laws.
3.3 Other disclosures
Unless you have expressly or impliedly consented to such disclosure Everlon does not sell, rent or trade personal information to or with third parties.
4. Access and correction
Under the Privacy Act, you have a right to seek access to information which Everlon holds about you (although there are some exceptions to this). You also have the right to ask Everlon to correct information about you which is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date.
If you wish to exercise your right under the Privacy Act to seek access to the personal information that Everlon holds about you, you must contact Everlon’s Privacy Officer (details at point 7 (Contacting Everlon) below), who will explain how Everlon will handle your access request.
Everlon will assume (unless you notify in writing to Everlon otherwise) that your request for access relates to Everlon’s current records about you. These current records include personal information about you which is included in Everlon’s databases and in paper files, and which may be used by Everlon on a day to day basis.
To provide you with access to this personal information, Everlon would ordinarily provide you with a print-out of the relevant personal information from Everlon’s databases, or with photocopies of records which are held only on paper files. If personal information about you (for example, your name & address details) is duplicated across different databases, Everlon will generally provide you with one printout of this information only. Ordinarily, Everlon will not charge you for the cost of providing this type of access to these records.
For legal and administrative reasons, Everlon may also store records containing personal information in its archives. You may seek access to the records held by Everlon which are not current records, but if you do so, Everlon may charge you a reasonable fee for the cost of providing access.
If you are of the view that personal information about you is not accurate, complete or up to date, please provide Everlon’s Privacy Officer with your request for correction (contact details are set out at 7 (Contacting Everlon below). Everlon’s policy is to consider any requests for correction in a timely way.
5. Is Personal Information stored safely?
Everlon takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of personal information held by it from such risks as loss or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure. Everlon will ensure the security of the information you provide by taking all reasonable steps to ensure that your personal details are stored securely in both electronic and physical forms. Everlon only permits your details to be accessed by authorised personnel.
6. Online privacy
This privacy statement outlines Everlon’s approach to all personal information Everlon handle, whether collected online or offline. However, particular issues that arise in the online environment are noted below.
Sometimes Everlon may generate statistics about how many people visit its site and what they look at. Everlon may use web logs and cookies to do this. This enables Everlon to keep its site relevant and useful. Generally the information Everlon collect and use about website usage will not identify you, only the computer you are using. Most web browsers are set by default to accept cookies. However, if you do not wish to receive cookies you may set your browser to either refuse cookies or prompt you before accepting them.
Sometimes Everlon’s website contains [or may contain] links to other websites, for your convenience and information. When you access a website other than www.everlonbronze.com.au please understand that Everlon is not responsible for the privacy practices of that site. You may wish to review the privacy policies of each site you visit.
7. Contacting Everlon
If you have any questions or comments about this privacy policy, or if you wish to complain about how Everlon has handled personal information about you, please contact Everlon’s Privacy Officer:
- by telephone (02) 9646 3886;
- by facsimile (02) 9646 3887;
- by e-mail jacobcastagna@gmail.com; or
- by letter Unit 7, 1-3 Nicholas Street, Lidcombe, NSW 2141.
8. Changes to this Privacy Policy
This privacy policy may change from time to time. This policy was last updated on 23 March 2012.